The final indignity: Bodies of MH17 crash victims tossed into rubbish trucks and carted off to morgue train after three days laying in 85f heat
- Bodies of around 200 victims whose plane was shot down over eastern Ukraine on Thursday decaying on a train
- Corpses were left in the heat for three days before being piled up and driven to refrigerated carriages
- Ukrainian government this morning accused pro-Russian rebels of obstructing the train's departure
- It has also been claimed that the refrigeration in carriages broke down - or was turned off - overnight
- Dutch forensic experts at the scene were promised that the train would leave this afternoon
- Observers report an overwhelming stench of death, as international outrage builds over treatment of the bodies
- Flight MH17 was shot down with surface-to-air missile on Thursday afternoon above rebel-controlled eastern Ukraine
- Fingers have been pointed towards Russia, which is accused of arming rebels and conspiring to destroy evidence
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