Did MH17 pilot divert INTO the danger zone? Aviation expert claims captain made last-minute change of course over Ukraine because he 'felt uncomfortable'
- Russian military expert claims pilot radioed his concerns about the route before diverting over rebel-held territory
- Russian media explores theory that Ukrainian armed forces shot down Boeing 777 after mistaking it for Putin's jet
- Malaysia Airlines filed flight plan requesting 35,000 feet through airspace but was told to fly at 33,000
- Kremlin leader was flying back to Moscow from Brazilian World Cup at around same time passenger plane crashed
- Russian aviation sources said the routes of the two planes 'crossed at the same point and on the same altitude'
- Ukrainian official accuses Putin of smuggling missile launcher back into Russia to cover up Kremlin involvement
- Malaysian transport minister said MH17 was flying on approved route and pilot given no last-minute instructions
- Putin calls for a ceasefire by pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian government forces to allow for negotiations
- Confusion over the two black boxes: Rebel says none found, another said it has eight, Ukraine says it has both
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