Now that's a leap of faith! Fearless recortadors wow crowds with somersaults, backflips and Superman dives over charging bulls
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Competitors in Spain’s Recortadores Pro Tour are putting their lives on the line while facing off with angry bulls – all without a cape or sword – in front of crowds in European arenas.Dressed in white clothing instead of the traditional bullfighting outfit, the fearless recortadors wow spectators by dodging and leaping over the charging animals in a dangerous game that has roots in one of Spain’s oldest traditions but ends without bloodshed.
Combining sheer athleticism with grace, speed and sharp reflexes, the daring acrobats avoid the 1,100-pound beasts with somersaults, backflips or dives that mimic Superman.But not every participant narrowly misses being gored or thrown into the air. At a recent event in Vieux Boucau, France, a photographer captured the frightening moment a competitor was injured.The non-violent form of bullfighting is an ancient tradition in northern Spain and has become a national competition as its popularity continues to grow.

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